10435 - 79 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T6E 1R7

  (780) 433-0456
Fax:  (780) 433-0170

Metal Tags      (Click here for current pricing)

Available in different shapes, sizes, and metals.
We stock Alum, Brass and Stainless Steel tags.
Custom  shapes  or  sizes can be ordered if we
don't  have  what you need as a stock product.

Customization of your tags can be done by us.
We use three basic methods of marking tags.
They  can  be  Stamped  with  Steel  Stamps,
Engraved with a Diamond Bit, or in the case of
Stainless  Steel  Tags,  the  can  be  Laser
Engraved using Cermark which leaves a dark
grey  to  black  mark  permanently  on the tag.
We do carry the Steel Stamps if you want to do
them  yourself. For our selection of Steel Stamps
click here.
Please  contact  us  if you have any
questions or need our help with something.